05 April 2012

Universal Arthritis Scoring system you ask?

During our arthritis discussion we questioned the arthritis scoring system because it seems to be arbitrary. I wanted to look into this more and see if there was a universal radiographic or histology arthritis scoring system for RA.
As seen in “IL-1ab Blockade Prevent Cartilage and Bone Destruction in Murine Type II CIA, Whereas TNF-a Blockade Only Ameliorate Joint Inflammation” article, they used histology and radiography to analyze joint destruction, inflammation, bone erosion, and cartilage destruction. I decided to go off of this to find relevant information and I found 4 main methods of radiographically scoring RA http://ard.highwire.org/content/60/9/817.full  (and nothing for Histology scoring for RA!) which include: the Steinbrocker Method, Kellgren Method, Sharp method, and Larsen Method.  Unfortunately these methods only looked into bone erosion and joint space narrowing so scoring for other issues such as joint destruction, cartilage destruction and inflammation seem to be dependent on the study (for more information on the different methods check out the link). In my opinion, I don’t find this very reliable and is  surprising to me since there are so many studies on arthritis and radiography and histology are very common ways of analyzing it.
Even more, this article did not resemble any of the 4 main methods of radiographically scoring RA. Hmm.. So my question to you is, should there be a universally accepted technique in analyzing arthritis histologically or radiography or should it rather be dependent on the type of study at hand? Are there any problems/restriction that may come about if we were to enforce a universal method of scoring? Or are there any benefits of not have a universal scoring system at all?

More info on scoring: 

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